Bid Notice

City of Croswell - Bid Request

35-horse Compact Tractor, Front-end Loader

The City of Croswell is currently soliciting bids for the purchase of a 35-horse Compact Tractor, Front-end Loader with attachments. For further information and a list of the requested attachments contact Scott Young, D.P.S. at 810-679-3158, for just list of attachments contact Croswell City Hall at 810-679-2299.

Bids must be in a sealed envelope marked "Tractor Bid" and be received by the City Clerk at

100 N. Howard Ave., Croswell, MI. 48422 no later than 1:00 p.m., August 9, 2024. The City of Croswell reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Suzanne Dobson, MiPMC

Croswell City Clerk