Meeting Dates



Croswell City Council meetings will be held 7:30 p.m. at the Croswell Community Center,

124 N. Howard Ave., Croswell, Michigan

January 3 * (Wednesday)

June 24

January 16 * (Tuesday)

July 15

February 5

August 5

February 20 * (Tuesday)

August 19

March 4

September 3 * (Tuesday)

March 18

September 16

April 1

October 7

April 15

October 21

May 6

November 4

May 20

November 18

June 3

December 2

June 17

December 16

By Charter, Council sessions are conducted on the first and third Mondays of each month, with the exception of holidays as noted (*) above. Council sessions may be changed at a later date; however, public notice will be given if such a change is made.